10 Proven Health Benifit Of Green Tea

10 Proven Health Benifit Of Green Tea. How it's helpful in weight loss and burning fat, to improve health as well as 10 more benefits..

Green tea is one of the most popular and healthiest beverages known to the world at today's time. Its antioxidant and nutrient driven benefits cannot be argued with. The Green Tea is helpful for men and women in fighting both chronic and benign ailments.

Tea, in itself, is a very healthy drink that is recommended to individuals seeking an alternative to their mundane drinks. 

However, Green Tea in particular beats other tea counterparts like black tea in its ability to serve the human body.

What is the reason behind Green tea is healthier than black tea 

Is because of the process of their production. 

Black tea is produced with the process of fermentation, whereas green tea entirely skips the fermentation process, that's why Green Tea hold all of its nutritional value.

That being said, let’s look at some of the 10 proven benefits of green tea helps us live a healthy and happy life.

10 Proven Health Benefits of Green Tea

1] Weight Loss

10 Proven Health Benifit Of Green Tea. How it's helpful in weight loss and burning fat, to improve health as well as 10 more benefits..

Green tea is well known to increase the fat burning  process and increase metabolism in humans. Might be you Also know this fact. 

In fact, green tea is an active ingredient in many fat burning supplements. There have been studies proving that green tea increases body heat production, which is helpful in losing weight fast.

Green tea is also rich in EGCG, aka (epigallocatechin gallate), which are stimulated genes that burn fat

Also, you don’t have to worry about calories while consuming Green tea as it contains none.

2] Fighting Cancer

10 Proven Health Benifit Of Green Tea. How it's helpful in weight loss and burning fat, to improve health as well as 10 more benefits..

Cancer currently is a blot on the speeding train of human progress. With cancer still being the most significant cause of death in the world, it is fascinating to learn about the studies that testify for green tea’s role in fighting cancer-causing cells.

Simply The Cancer is caused by uncontrolled cell division and growth of abnormal cells, and Some times Genetically. 

Green tea’s Contain antioxidant properties that can be eliminate harmful free oxygen radicals from the body, that can cause damage to the cells and DNA of our body. 

The EGCG found in green tea can help reduce the risk of Lung cancer, prostate and cervical cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer.

3] Reduce Risk of Diabetes

10 Proven Health Benifit Of Green Tea. How it's helpful in weight loss and burning fat, to improve health as well as 10 more benefits..

It is estimated that by the year 2045, almost 629 million people all over the globe will be affected by diabetes. 
It is, without a doubt, a global epidemic. However, green tea can help change such a dystopian future. 

Green tea’s (epigallocatechin gallate) EGCG helps increase satiety, boosts the process of weight loss, increases insulin sensitivity, and aids in regulating blood sugar levels. This mainly helps in reducing the risk of developing Type-2 diabetes.

4] Improves Cardiovascular Health

10 Proven Health Benifit Of Green Tea. How it's helpful in weight loss and burning fat, to improve health as well as 10 more benefits..

Heart conditions like strokes and cardiac arrest are leading causes of death in America. Cardiovascular conditions develop because of high LDL cholesterols, obesity, high blood pressure, etc. 

Green tea with its ability to burn visceral fat accumulation by 17% is a great beverage that aids in the reduction of cholesterols and LDL oxidation.

Regular low doses of green tea can help avoid atrial fibrillation and improve heart health.

5] Controlling Blood Pressure

10 Proven Health Benifit Of Green Tea. How it's helpful in weight loss and burning fat, to improve health as well as 10 more benefits..

As mentioned above, Green tea is amazing in its ability to decrease blood pressure levels in the body. 

The potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Green tea have proven to help lower vascular oxidative stress, smooth muscle contraction, and reduce inflammation.

Studies have shown that green tea helps lower systolic blood pressure by 6.6% and diastolic blood pressure by 5.1%.

6] Improve Skin and Hair health

10 Proven Health Benifit Of Green Tea. How it's helpful in weight loss and burning fat, to improve health as well as 10 more benefits..

Here are the main reason why I love Green Tea? After completing article you should also like it.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics of green tea help protect the skin from harmful UV rays, thus protecting skin from photodamage, premature aging, and skin cancer. 

Other skin-related issues like acne, warts, hirsutism, candidiasis, etc. are also reduced with the help of green tea.

Green tea also helps in inhibiting the production of DHT, aka (dihydrotestosterone), which is responsible for male pattern baldness and hair loss. 

Green tea can also help the hair appear smooth and shinier.

7] Improve Brain Function

10 Proven Health Benifit Of Green Tea. How it's helpful in weight loss and burning fat, to improve health as well as 10 more benefits..

Studies have shown that green tea consumption can improve memory and reduce the chances of developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

This is not surprising as green tea contains  I-theanine, an amino acid that helps to  improve brain function, cognition, mood, and attention. 

Green tea also helps suppress brain dysfunction with the help of its neuroprotective properties like the synthesis of new neurites to simulate the brain.

8] Reduce Inflammation and Arthritis

10 Proven Health Benifit Of Green Tea. How it's helpful in weight loss and burning fat, to improve health as well as 10 more benefits..

Conditions like weight gain, cardiovascular disease, allergies, arthritis, diabetes, and COPD are all causes of chronic or constant inflammation of the body. 

Green tea has the anti-inflammatory properties to combat all these conditions and help the body find relief from inflammation.

In fact, studies have found that the (epigallocatechin gallate) EGCG found in green tea has stronger antioxidant activity than both vitamin C and E. 

This can help reduce swollen joints and inflammation in people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

9] Help fight Depression and Anxiety

10 Proven Health Benifit Of Green Tea. How it's helpful in weight loss and burning fat, to improve health as well as 10 more benefits..

Depression is another global epidemic that has affected generations and hampered the ability to perform essential functions. 

Although psychological, its roots can be traced back to a poor diet devoid of minerals and nutrients that the brain needs.

Research has shown that catechins in green tea help lower the risk of depression and anxiety. 

They do so by reducing the stress hormones that are responsible for causing depression in the first place.

10] Fight Bacteria, Virus and Fungi

10 Proven Health Benifit Of Green Tea. How it's helpful in weight loss and burning fat, to improve health as well as 10 more benefits..

Bacteria and viruses are known culprits of the infections that can hinder everyday life. 

The EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate)  found in green tea is a natural antibiotic that helps in fighting bacteria and helps prevent conditions like UTI, infections in the lungs and more.

They have also shown promise in fighting viruses and fungi.


Now the conclusion time.

Tea is one of the healthiest beverages produced and consumed in the world today. 

Although many prefer black tea, or tea with milk in it, there is no argument in green tea being the best option of the bunch. 

Green tea's benefits to the human body from improving skin health to fighting cancer cells are just endless.

Having one cup of green tea regularly will quickly start showing fantastic results on your body and overall health. 

You can have three cups of green tea every day. It is not recommended to exceed 4 cups a day. 

Avoid having it before sleep as its caffeine content can keep you awake and effect Your Quality Of Sleep .

Green tea is easily available in the market and can be consumed without any reservations. 

Make sure to have your green tea without any sugar to enjoy all of its wholesome benefits.

Here are some Green Tea options for buying online

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