What Does Calcium Do ?

Calcium is the key mineral does much more than keep your teeth and bones strong. 

In this article you will know The Health Benefits Of calcium? What is Calcium? What is it good for human body? How Does Calcium help to build strong teeth and bones? 

As well as what it's affect on heart? How Do I get Calcium? Best sources and calcium rich foods? How Much Calcium Do I need Daily

You will get all the answer Below then stay tuned with us.......

1] What is Calcium

In this article you will know The Health Benefits Of calcium? What is Calcium? What is it good for human body? How Does Calcium help to build strong teeth and bones? As well as what it's affect on heart? How Do I get Calcium? Best sources and calcium rich foods? How Much Calcium Do I need Daily ?

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in our bodies, making up around 2% of our body weight. 

It’s mostly stored in bones and teeth, where it acts as natural scaffolding. But this mineral is also vital for muscle contractions, protein metabolism, blood pressure and clotting, and nervous function. 

If levels in the blood are too low, our bones are ‘raided’ to make up the deficit. This is why we need to keep it topped up. 

Teenagers and women often have poor calcium intake. Experts think this may be because they’re more likely to skip breakfast (which often contains milk). Worryingly, one in five teen girls don’t get enough, putting them at risk of low bone density. 

2] What is it good for


In this article you will know The Health Benefits Of calcium? What is Calcium? What is it good for human body? How Does Calcium help to build strong teeth and bones? As well as what it's affect on heart? How Do I get Calcium? Best sources and calcium rich foods? How Much Calcium Do I need Daily ?

By our early 20s, 90% of our bone mass has been laid down, so our childhood diet is crucial. 

You build bone density by eating plenty of calcium-rich foods, alongside vitamin D, which helps calcium absorption and transportation into bones. 

Later in life, bone mass declines due to hormonal changes, and a good calcium intake can mean the difference between healthy and fragile bones. 

Researchers reviewed 22 trials: in 16, combining calcium and vitamin D improved bone density. Calcium also combines with phosphate to make hydroxyapatite, the hard substance in teeth. 

Again, these nutrients are vital in early life as teeth form in the womb. In one study, by age 12, children whose mothers took calcium in pregnancy had a 27% reduced risk of tooth decay compared to those whose mothers took a dummy pill. 


In this article you will know The Health Benefits Of calcium? What is Calcium? What is it good for human body? How Does Calcium help to build strong teeth and bones? As well as what it's affect on heart? How Do I get Calcium? Best sources and calcium rich foods? How Much Calcium Do I need Daily ?

There is evidence that calcium protects against some cancers, particularly colon and breast. 

Cancer Research UK says ‘several studies show a lower risk of breast cancer for women with high calcium intake or blood levels’. 

One such study, of nearly 50,000 Norwegian women, found those who drank milk as both children and adults had a lower risk of developing breast cancer. 

And in a Korean study, those with higher intake were 16% less likely to develop colon cancer. 


In this article you will know The Health Benefits Of calcium? What is Calcium? What is it good for human body? How Does Calcium help to build strong teeth and bones? As well as what it's affect on heart? How Do I get Calcium? Best sources and calcium rich foods? How Much Calcium Do I need Daily ?

Studies show that a higher calcium intake (usually via low-fat dairy) may help reduce ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol levels. 

It may also have a beneficial impact on blood pressure, which reduces risk of coronary heart disease. 

Babies of pregnant women who consume calcium have been found to have healthy blood pressure in later life.

3] How do I get Calcium ?

Calcium is not produced by our body so we need to get calcium by including calcium rich Food's in Diet Plan's.

Calcium is found in many foods. You can get recommended amounts of calcium by eating a variety of calcium rich foods, including the following:

  • Milk, Yogurt and Cheese is main Dairy Products high in calcium
  • Green leafy Vegetables, like (kale, broccoli)
  • Fortified plant milks
  • Canned fish containing Bones. Like (Sardines).
Or try supplements, usually around 800mg to 1200mg per dose.

If you’re taking calcium to help preserve bone mass, combine with vitamin D (10-25mcg daily) for optimal absorption. 

Check the UCSF’s helpful guide to see how much calcium is in many common foods.

4] How Much Calcium Do I need Daily

How do you know if you’re getting enough calcium? The National Institutes of Health (NIH)  Recommended Daily Intake of Calcium is as given below

  • Teens should have 700-1000mg a day, 
  • Younger children should have 350-700mg
  • Adults men and women 1000mg. 
  • Breast-feeding women should get 1250mg, as making milk depletes levels

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